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NAME: Jeanie
LOCATION: Newport, Wales
AGE: 3 years old
SEX: Female
BREED: Mixed breed
OTHER DOGS IN HOME: Yes essential to have a resident dog
CHILDREN IN HOME: Yes, dog savvy currently living with 2 children 11 & 14. Has previously lived with younger children.
OTHER INFO: Jeanie was rescued with all her siblings in Bosnia, most are now in the U.K.
Jeanie is currently in foster with her sibling Romeo and another doggie. She loves being around other dogs and will need a resident dog in her new home.
Jeanie has some training things she is working on and this will need to be continued in her new home. She will need a crate as she can chew items left around if unattended. She sleeps in her crate at night.
She builds bonds with females much quicker than males. Her ideal home will be with a female or if there is a male in the home the female will need to be around or wfh.
Jeanie loves cuddles and is a lovely affectionate dog. She bonds with children quickly and loves cuddles on the sofa.
She has lots of energy and loves playing with Romeo and the other resident doggie. She is lovely natured and just needs someone who has patience and time to give her. She will reward you with lots of love and cuddles

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